Masters of Music, Vocal Pedagogy (2017) Distinction
(Griffith University, Queensland Conservatorium of Music)
Grad.Cert. Music Studies - Vocal Pedagogy (2002) Distinction
(Griffith University, Queensland Conservatorium of Music)
Graduate Diploma in Media, AFTRS (Australian Film Television & Radio School, Sydney)
Full member & former committee member ANATS (Australian National Association Teachers of Singing)
Artistic Director, Brisbane Vocal Jazz Festival 2016 to present (Brisbane Jazz Club)
Producer/MC, Jazz Singers' Jam Night @ Brisbane Jazz Club since 2001 to present
Events and international touring artist consultant (Passionfruit)
Former Creative Consultant, Doo-Bop Jazz Bar/Productions, Brisbane 2017 to 2018.
Former Vice President and Committee member of Jazz Queensland for 10 years
Ingrid James is a Contemporary Vocal Teacher specialising in Jazz, Blues and related styles.
- Private lessons available for all ages and levels of experience
- Preparation for tertiary level music auditions, high school music and music extension students as well as ongoing training
- Emphasis on vocal health and technique, musicianship, ear training
FOR LESSONS please contact Ingrid through website.
"I've been privileged to work with a select group of talented Queensland music professionals who mentor our many hundreds of students who appear on stage during these presentations. Ingrid James is a standout in the Queensland music scene, a professional who has built an international reputation performing, teaching and workshopping and we were fortunate to have her work with our young performers both in the [Entertainment Centre]Boondall presentation and Queensland Performing Arts Centre as well as in the workshops at the Brisbane Powerhouse that preceded them in 2008/09/10. Her skills as a communicator coupled with her generous spirit and remarkable artistic talents was an inspiration to us all....."
Liz Williamson, Producer and Creative Director of Creative Generation, Queensland Department of Education
4MBS Summer School Jazz Singing Workshop
"Sunday 13 January was the initial event of the 2019 4MBS Summer School. Local and Internationally famous jazz identity Ingrid James presented a Workshop on the techniques and art of Jazz Singing. Ingrid is a Brisbane local and has recorded a number of great albums in her career, with the latest being in 2018.
The Workshop was a sell-out, and attracted a wide variety of women and men interested in learning about the intricacies of this style of singing. Some of the audience were experienced singers and others were novices keen on hearing what Ingrid was able to impart during the session. Ingrid began the Workshop with participatory exercises in breathing techniques to relax the body in preparation for singing. She then moved into the “technical” session where she highlighted the differences between singing styles – opera, pop, middle-of-the-road, and jazz. The focus was then on singing jazz. The different types of jazz music were covered, ably demonstrated by pianist John Reeves and Ingrid’s lovely voice. The subtleties of singing jazz with phrasing, rhythm, beat and too many other subjects to list here were defined, described and demonstrated comprehensively by Ingrid and John.
To finish the Workshop, Ingrid asked for volunteers to sing and she and John then suggested variations in delivery to try when singing to “jazz” up the performance. The volunteers willingly tried these variations to the enjoyment of all at the Workshop.
Enormous thanks must go to Ingrid for her willingness and the work to prepare and deliver this Jazz Singing Workshop. The hope is that this and similar Workshops become part of the MBS family of events going forward".
Bruce Tyrell, Jazz Radio Presenter, MBS Light (review of workshop)
"On behalf of Elliott, I just wanted to say, thanks again for your help and to let you know that the Con offered him a place in both Classical and Jazz voice programs for next year. We were pretty blown away....Thanks so much for your time and patience helping him get ready! We couldn't have done it without your help!" Catherine 21/12/2021
"Ingrid James is making a significant contribution to musical life in Brisbane as a performer, educator and volunteer worker. She is a resource person and mentor, and is admired for her generosity of spirit, her artistry, her knowledge, and her ethical and compassionate dealings with all who know her."
Louise Denson, Head Jazz, Queensland Conservatorium of Music
"Ingrid James whose knowledge of the physiology of our voices and how they “work” not only made perfect sense but blew me away as well (she hit the nail on the head with a chronic issue I’ve had for years, now, if I can only try to use her suggestions to improve), PLUS, HER VOICE!, it was perfection. I know I’m gushing but the hearts of these generous clinicians plus everything else they gave each of us made Sunday an experience I will NEVER forget!💞
💞" Linda Hylle, November 2017
"If I had a super power, I would choose amazing people and absolutely copy and paste everything they know into my brain...and you would be one of them. Thank you so much for today Ingrid. It was so valuable to me. I learnt a lot today. PS. your vocals are out of this world!!!" Lissy Loushay, March 2019
"I have always wanted to be able to call myself a jazz singer - even though I have been singing all my life I could never truly envisage it until I started training with Ingrid James. Ingrid is not only a fully established musician but she is also a very gifted teacher. She has a way of articulating and demonstrating the functional side of singing in a way that I have never encountered with other voice coaches - I now fully appreciate just how vital it is to use the body in the correct way when singing and I have achieved amazing results. They say that the beauty of jazz is that it can 'go anywhere' - Ingrid has helped me work on my phrasing and timing to the point where I now find it almost impossible to sing a song the same way twice - she has helped me find a certain freedom within the music itself and I am always amazed at how we come up with fresh approaches to the songs we work on together. Ingrid's lessons are consistent in their energy and style and she really engages with her students on an emotional and personal level - I believe she takes a great deal of pleasure in helping her students work towards their goals and is truly delighted when they reach their full potential."
Michelle Ireland (student)
"We just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for all you have done for Gabby throughout 2016. She has certainly developed as a singer and performer this year and you have played a great part in this and we, as parents are very grateful. We look forward to 2017 and hope you will once again mentor her." Jacquie and John Boumford
"I just wanted to thank you for doing such a fantastic job coaching Tiarne. We (the family) are blown away by the improvement in her voice since she has been having lessons with you (improvements started showing after the first two lessons). Her performances have all been well received and Tiarne is a much more confident performer now she believes in her voice. The difference your coaching has made as set her feet more solidly on the performance path." Georgina Rowe (12/12/15)
"I am so very very thankful that you took me under your wing when I asked you (pleaded with you) to take me on as a student. Thanks for your generosity in giving me some of my best hours in your musicianship, that truly are a highlight of my week, for my mind (less) and soul (more!) - and for the opportunity to sing again ingrid....I owe you more than you could imagine - thanks. More to learn with heartfelt work ahead." Penny Connolly-Coates (student)
"What can I say...Ingrid is just a fantastic teacher. She is a master of her trade, and each class she casts a critical but gentle eye over my singing at that point in time: smoothing out rough areas, picking up and fixing bad technique, talking posture, movement and the feel of sound. Behind everything is her solid base of knowledge of musical theory and the physiology of singing, but beyond that is the opportunity to learn from someone who is at the top of their field, who has a huge wealth of performance experience and who lives, breathes and loves singing."
Emma Somerville
"Ingrid James: uniquely combines passion, commitment and masterful technique to deliver an exquisite musical experience..."
Peter Riddles PhD FAICD
"I've been singing with a community jazz band for a few years, and someone at a gig suggested I get some lessons with Ingrid. The lessons have been great, the first question Ingrid asked me was what I wanted to get out of having these lessons. Did I just want to sound good and sing well or did I really want to develop my technique and deepen my understanding.... I opted for the latter and Ingrid has opened my eyes to all the things I was overlooking. When singing jazz it's not just about having a good tone, it's about technique and strength and breath control and communication. Thanks to Ingrid's guidance I have begun to notice things not only in myself but other singers around me. My awareness has grown and Ingrid has truly demonstrated that a true artist never stops learning."
Ngaire Lock
"Thank you so much for a wonderful learning experience on my Jazz Journey. Your enlightening, encouraging and empowering comments are already having an exciting impact in a very practical way. I look forward to sharing them with you when next I take to the stage."
Peter Vance
"Thank you for setting up the opportunity and sharing your amazing knowledge and technique so generously. I learned heaps from the feedback you gave to each and every one of us - there was always something relevant for me as a singer."
Jan Gillies
"[Ingrid]...Often in the music world people are driven by ego and jealousy, so it is so wonderful to see that you have created a very accepting, positive and encouraging atmosphere..."
Robyn Ryan, Sunshine Coast
"I first met Ingrid James in 2004... I was brand new to singing and found her to be very knowledgeable and able to impart that knowledge to the group who had a varied level of experience. I found the workshop to be very useful and was encouraged by Ingrid to attend a Jazz singers Jam night which gives up and coming singers the opportunity to sing with professional musicians in front of a live audience. These nights were the 'brainchild' of Ingrid and she has organised and MC'd them for the past 9 years. They have been invaluable in enabling me to build my expertise and confidence to perform and I know that from speaking to other singers, they have also found the Jam nights to be excellent for overall improvement.
Since my venture into singing (at an age of 54) I have spent the last few years learning and honing my skills with Ingrid as teacher and mentor. Ingrid works very hard for her students, many of whom are young, preparing for auditions to the Conservatorium of Music, a tough process. She continues to pursue her own studies, building on her extensive expertise, which in turn, benefits both students and her audiences. She is incredibly generous with her time and provides constructive feedback to enable continuous improvement. Ingrid's high level knowledge, technical expertise, encouragement and support have been a great boost to my own knowledge and skills. She has even actively organised gigs for me. Also, thanks to Ingrid as a mentor, together with my exposure through the Jazz singer Jam nights, I have sung with the Brisbane Big Band as a guest vocalist and I regularly gig with another Band.
As a performer, Ingrid is, without question, the best female jazz vocalist in Australia. She is a and a joy to listen to, her style is unique, her voice pure and pitch without flaw She is an inspiration to continue to strive for excellence."
Di Clark, Jazz Singer
"I am so very very thankful that you took me under your wing when I asked you (pleaded with you) to take me on as a student. Thanks for your generosity in giving me some of my best hours in your musicianship, that truly are a highlight of my week, for my mind (less) ande soul (more) - and for the opportunity to sing again Ingrid..." Penny Connolly-Coates
"Ingrid, thanks so so so much for everything you have done this year to prepare me for auditions. You're not just a great teacher but you're a real inspiration to me with your style and musicianship. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for your encouragement, support and advice."
Lenna Basha (Queensland Conservatorium of Music)
"Thank you so much for organising/running the workshop last night. It was Brill! You were marvellous in your encouragement and honest, constructive feedback. The content was excellent."
Di Clark
"I enjoyed the workshop Ingrid. Thank you for being so understanding and supportive as always. I was a little out of my league with regard to theory and jazz jargon, but then that's a weakness I need to work on. I learned a few things, some new, and some reinforcing what I should already know"
"Richard Ferrari, trombonist
"Ingrid James has helped develop my voice as a jazz singer and Ingrid's talent as a teacher and a professional singer has inspired me to aim for a degree and career in music once I leave school."
Samantha Neville, Year 9 student, 14 years old